Academic Development Council
The MODSPE Paris Central Europe Academic Development Council determines recruitment methods for student admissions adjusts the curriculums in response to industry needs reviews the internship policy based on the company needs
MODSPE Paris Central Europe Academic Development Council's Members
- Xavier ROYER, Educational Director of the Union des Industries Textiles (UIT), Secretary General of FORTHAC, President of the Advisory Board
- Bruno BENEDIC, Lecturer, style consultant, MOD’SPE PARIS
- Pierre – Jacques BRIVET, Chief representative for Rhône Alpes Apparel
- Henri CARVALHO, School director of MOD’SPE PARIS
- Maxime COGNAT, Educational director of MOD’SPE PARIS
- Adeline DARGENT, Chief representative for The Parisian Syndicate of Women’s Fashion
- Sylvie EBEL, Assistant Managing Director l’Institut Français de la Mode (IFM)
- Agnès GHIENNE, a former MOD’SPE Paris student, market manager for LA HALLE
- François Marie GRAU, Chief Representative of The French Federation of Women’s Ready-to-Wear and Deputy Managing Director of The French Union of Apparel Industries (UFIH)
- Lionel GUERIN, Educational Director and et Deputy Managing Director of The French Union of Apparel Industries, Chief Representative of The French Federation of Men’s Clothing Industries
- Bertrand MEYRAT, Project leader for communication and corporate sponsorship for the Ecole du LOUVRE
- Geneviève MORENO, Recruitment consultant for GENEVIEVE MORENO CONSEIL
- Elsa POINSO, former MOD’SPE Paris student, merchandiser for PETIT BATEAU
- Nelly RODI, President du the NELLY RODI trend bureau
- Johan SOENENS, Marketing Director of C&A
- Daniel WERTEL, President of The French Federation of Women’s Ready-to-Wear
Administrative organization
MOD’SPE Paris is an associative structure. Daniel Wertel is a President of the Board. He also accomplishes successfully the presidency of the French Federation of the Women’s Ready-to-wear, the founder member of MOD’SPE Paris.
MODSPE Paris staff Members
- Executive director:Jana Lalovà
- Academic director: Silvia Pavekovà
- Communications and internship coordinator: Fabrice Raoul
- Operations coordinator: Lenka Skodovà
- Operations coordinator: Elina Aguichina
Employment office
The employment office integrated to MOD’SPE Paris Central Europe is closed to companies, alumni and current students of the school, it provides them with support and advice in their quest to find internships or jobs and facilitates the access to the offers.
MOD’SPE Paris job placement rate is 89% within the six-month period post-graduation.
MOD’SPE Paris Central Europe offers programmes for a wide range of fashion marketing positions. The objective of the School is to provide students with the tools that will allow them to apply for very specific positions, such as Product Manager, Purchaser, Visual Merchandiser, Retail Network Coordinator, Collection Manager, Logistics Manager, etc., as well for broader, transversal positions, such as Business Manager, Marketing Manager, Study Manager, Import-Export Manager, etc.
The employment office:
- ensures a permanent job market,
- address to alumni job postings provided by professional organizations, businesses and recruitment agencies,
- develops business-to-school
- monitors individual students and former students in building their career plans and developments,
- runs the network of former students by connecting them and providing them to participate in school life through juries, testimonies during open houses or through the development board.
Examples of companies who recruited MOD’SPE Paris alumni:
KOOKAI, Sonia Rykiel, Louis VUITTON, Rip Curl, Chanel, Balenciaga, Jennyfer, Des Petits Hauts, Gérard Darel, Replay, Levis, Diesel, Barbara BUI, ETAM, La Halle !, Mim, Tke Kooples, Les Petites etc.